Who I am

I am an experienced software engineer with a passion for developing innovative programs that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. I'm well-versed in technology and writing code to create systems that are reliable and user-friendly. I'm a skilled leader who has the proven ability to motivate, educate, and manage a team of professionals to build software programs and effectively track changes. A confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is customized to meet a company’s organizational needs, highlight their core competencies, and further their success.



  • Deltares


    Lead Software Developer - We worked on building flood hazard and risk scenario dashboard for use by basin and municipal authorities as well as other research/training institutions in the principal urban area of Zanzibar and the Metropolitan area of Dar es Salaam

  • Geoglam

    Geoglam Kenya and Uganda

    Project Manager & Developer - Developed a mobile application with digital forms to help train machine learning algorithms to automatically detect crops and their stage condition and Managed the data collection and field verification of ESA monitoring through G20_GEOGLAM and CopernicusEU.

  • Vipimo Crossplatform App

    Vipimo Cross platform App

    Mobile developer - Developed Vipimo Mobile application a solution that enables users to remotely monitor live conditions in the agricultural fields.

  • Appid App

    Appid collect Mobile App

    Project manager & Lead software Developer - Lead an team that developed an odk powered application for ICIPE an insect research institution based in Nairobi which helps them in daily record keeping, sampling, and performance. .

  • Learn Ksl

    Mara Citizen Observatory

    Mobile Developer - Developed an EU sponsored Maasai Mara Citizen Observatory Android App that allows citizens (local & tourists) to collect key data from the field ranging from biodiversity sightings to human-wildlife conflict locations to the updating of fences and roads

  • Mkenya Daima

    Moot rewards

    Android Developer - Moot is an app that rewards shoppers for doing all the things they normally do. This includes browsing content and offers, watching videos, walking into stores, engaging with products on the shelf, and making purchases, both online and offline. Moot truly rewards its users for shopping anytime, anywher
